

I created this image with this beautiful quotation as a part of my intrepid joy series several months ago. If you look at the image, the subtle message inside is a plug and a plot for you to claim the freedom you crave. Now, as we are approaching the sixth week of our “Shelter at Home” mandate, I find these words and image more clarifying and relevant than ever. The truth is, I’ve spent years thinking about the clearing I’ve been craving. Thinking like this never gets me any useful traction. As I reflect, it was never about the time I thought I needed. It was about claiming the stillness that helps me access my clarity.

As I become more and more rooted over these past few weeks, and the business of life has settled, I am finally able to slow down enough to do what these wise words are urging us to do ~ find my own center. I have used this time to refine, redefine, and calibrate my own nourishment compass. And I have to say, I feel more embodied and effective because of it. Finally, I’ve learned what it takes to clear the clearing and locate myself on my own Map of Intention. It has nothing to do with time. This map has enabled me to locate myself and my own nourishing heartbeat. Can you hear yours too?

I am wondering what kind of clearing you have needed to claim for yourself?

I would love to hear about your experience. I will write you back.
And in the meantime, this is me sending a huge wish for you to claim the space you need
to create this clearing and clarity to be nourished in the best way possible.

~ ♥️~